What is Manuka Honey and how does it work?
How it Works

Methylglyoxal (MGO) and an unidentified synergistic component are what create this additional antibacterial component and more than double the effectiveness of the honey as a wound care topical. Active Manuka Honey also acts as an anti-inflammatory and reduces or eliminates unpleasant odor (malodor) from exudating (oozing) wounds, pressure or diabetic ulcers, venous leg ulcers, or wounds with necrotic tissue. The bacteria present in the wound feed off of the sugars in the honey, which release gasses that eliminate the malodor while healing the wound.
Active Manuka Honey has recently received world-wide attention for its effectiveness in destroying antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) and VRE (Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci) commonly referred to as "superbugs". Studies show that these superbugs are destroyed by Manuka Honey by drawing out moisture from the bacterial cells, making it impossible for the bacteria to survive.
In addition to healing infections, Active Manuka Honey helps to prevent scarring. This natural product does not damage skin cells while healing infections. During the healing process, a scab is produced to prevent blood loss. Cell production increases to create new skin cells under the scab. A scab often has an uneven texture, thus the new skin cells are formed with the same uneven texture. This uneven skin texture makes scars more noticeable. Manuka Honey stimulates granulation of tissue and creates a moist healing environment, gently lifting the scab while new skin cells are generated. This creates a level surface for the new skin cells, reducing the visibility of scars.
The Manuka Bush
Honey has been used to treat wounds for over four thousand years. All honey contains a naturally-occurring enzyme which produces hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide produced by honey is a natural antiseptic and anti-bacterial.
The powerful key ingredient to Wound Honey is Active Manuka Honey, imported directly from New Zealand. Active Manuka Honey is a pure, natural, un-pasteurized organic honey produced by bees that collect nectar from the Manuka Bush (Leptospermum). In addition to the enzyme which produces hydrogen peroxide, Manuka Honey contains a high level of additional, non-peroxide, antibacterial components. Methylglyoxal (MGO) and an unidentified synergistic component are what create this additional antibacterial component and more than double the effectiveness of the honey as a wound care topical.
What makes Wound Honey different from other forms of Manuka Honey available?
In addition to Active Manuka Honey, Wound Honey contains natural Aloe Vera, a known anti-inflammatory which acts as an additional natural emollient and antiseptic. Aloe Vera is used for skin conditions such as eczema, burns and minor cuts. The beneficial properties of natural Aloe Vera are attributed to the mucopolysaccharides that are found in the inner gel of the aloe leaf. The addition of Aloe Vera to Wound Honey increases its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
Wound Honey also contains Panthenol, a non-irritating form of Vitamin B which has moisturizing properties. When this natural, hydrating vitamin is applied externally it penetrates into lower skin layers, gets absorbed into the skin cells and turns into Pantothetic Acid (also known as Vitamin B). Because Panthenol is absorbed deeply into the skin, it adds moisture that is essential to the proper healing of wounds. The addition of Panthenol helps to speed up the regeneration of new skin cells and creates a moist environment that reduces scarring.
Wound Honey is sterilized by gamma irradiation to block out any opportunistic pathogens and prevent infection. Gamma irradiation is the only process proven to properly sterilize Active Manuka Honey without loss of any of its antibacterial properties.
True Active Manuka honey will be signified by a UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) number to designate its level of activity. For wound care, a level of ten or higher is best. Wound Honey has an Activity rating or UMF of 12+.
The combination of Active Manuka Honey, Aloe Vera, and Panthenol make Wound Honey a powerful and effective treatment for wounds of all types. Interested in more information? Check out our News and Research page.
Key Factors to Wound Honey
Wound Honey has antibacterial properties that assist in clearing infections and protect wounds against additional infections.
Wound Honey has anti-inflammatory properties which reduce swelling and improve circulation to the wound site, reducing pain and decreasing exudates (ooze) from the wound.
Wound Honey has natural emollient and antiseptic properties which reduce pain.
Wound Honey stimulates granulation to speed up healing and minimize scarring.
Wound Honey has been found to effectively treat superbugs such as MRSA and VRE.
Wound Honey also contains Aloe Vera and Panthenol to increase its effectiveness in reducing pain and scarring.
How to use Wound Honey
Wound Honey is to be used externally for cuts, burns, wounds, MRSA or VRE infected wounds, diabetic wounds, diabetic ulcers, bed and pressure sores, surgical wounds, and more. Additionally, Wound Honey can be used to reduce and minimize scarring.
Gently wash the area with water or saline and let dry for a few minutes. Apply Wound Honey directly to the area, completely covering the wound. Cover with a non-stick bandage. Repeat every twelve hours, including fresh dressing, until the wound is fully healed.
If a wound has a malodor, you can expect the malodor to subside after 5-10 days of using Wound Honey depending on the depth and size of the wound.
If you wish to minimize scarring, it is recommended that you continue to use Wound Honey for several weeks after the wound has completely healed.
As with any product, it is recommended that you check with your doctor before use, and always continue to take any prescribed medication that your doctor has recommended.